Tuesday, September 22, 2009

You Don't Believe in God?

You don't believe in God!? To me, it's impossible Not to believe in God. But, I am also willing to bet, in fact, I am willing to guarantee, that your definition of God and my definition of God are completely, totally different. How do I know that? Because you don't believe in God.

Let me give you an example. Let's say that you believe that pigs can't fly. Let's further say that I come along and declare that pigs Can fly!

It would SEEM that our beliefs are totally at odds with each other. It would Seem that one or the other of us Must be right, meaning that the other Must be Wrong. But that's only how it Seems, that's only an appearance and appearances are deceiving.

Let us define the concept of "pigs flying". Let's say that implicit in your belief that pigs can't fly is a definition. By your definition, pigs can fly only with their own wings, which they don't have, Or, by some means of levitation, which they obviously can't do.

God has given you a rational, intelligent mind capable of observing reality and making accurate deductions and judgments based on your observation of that reality. Not only that, but by YOUR DEFINITION, I would agree with you, yet, I still claim that pigs can fly.

Let's say that implicit in My definition of "pigs flying", is that pigs travel though the air, from Point A to Point B. That's all. I do not include "how", I do not suggest "why". My whole definition is simply that pigs travel through the air from Point A to Point B.

How? They could travel in the cargo hold of a 747. Or they could ride in the basket of a hot air balloon. Or even in the back seat of a Cessna. So, on the surface, when it seemed that our beliefs were totally opposite and totally contradictory, once we dig down to definitions, we discover that we actually agree. It would SEEM, That on the surface, two mutually exclusive facts, two apparently contradictory statements, are both TRUE.

That's how it is with God. That's how it Always has been with God. God has always presented Himself in a manner that the people of the time would understand. He will present Himself by connecting Himself to concepts the people Know are true. He will connect Himself to beliefs the people already believe; to knowledge they already possess.

Now, He may Build on that definition, He may expand their level of understanding, He may introduce concepts and attributes of Himself by layering these atop others that people already know, But He Always begins from where you are now. Therefore, if it seems that God does not exist, it simply means that God is about to reveal Himself in a New Way, In a way that makes sense to current times, using a definition that you currently understand.

At this point, you then have a choice, Believe or don't believe. God will not force you, He will not interfere with your decision or influence your cognitive reasoning. You may decide at this point that the evidence is not convincing, that the reasoning is not reasonable and that the logic is illogical. You may still decide that there is no God. But you will be unable to conclude that God is not a possibility. You may still determine that, by YOUR definition, there is no God.

So let's take a look at some definitions of God, And see if your definition is the same as,

Or similar to any of these definitions:

1. God is an old man with a long beard.
2. God lives in a place called "heaven" where He judges people
3. God is just a myth anyway.
4. God is just a way created by politicians and religious leaders to control the masses.
5. God is a powerful Spirit that condemns to hell all those who disobey Him.
6. God punishes people for their sins.
7. God judges people on HIS definition of right and wrong.
8. God does not want you to have fun.
9. God just wants to control your life.
10. God wants to tell you what you should or should not do.
11. God says you must be religious.
12. God says you Must WORSHIP HIM.

Although some of these definitions may be close, Or even partially correct, They are all, in essence, WRONG.

Let's provide some examples of what God Could be, let's redefine what God may be, let's add some definitions of God.

Someone once told me,

1. That God is light.
2. God is energy.
3. God is consciousness.
4. God is life.
5. God is a spirit that permeates everything, that exists everywhere and that IS everything.

I will further add two things:

1. God is love
2. God is the laws of the universe

In example, God is the law of gravity. So, if all I can get you to agree to is that

A. God is love Or
B. God is the law of gravity.

Then I think that that is enough,
You believe in God,
And I believe that that is okay.

P.S. God Has a Plan for Everyone

Go to God's Plan for Your Life to discover what you've been missing.

Perry Jones is a successful author and urban philosopher.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Perry_Jones